Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me!!!
This is an old chant that a child who was being bullied would cry out to his/her attackers as they slung hurtful words at them.
The first part of that sentence is true; sticks and stones do hurt; but the last phrase is a big fat lie.
Malicious words don’t cause physical wounds, that is true.
Instead, they penetrate deep into the very core of a persons
mind, soul, spirit, character, being, and heart.
Hateful words do not heal as quickly as flesh wounds do.
The insecurity, shame, embarrassment, fear, anxiety, loneliness,
and sense of worthlessness and rejection
that mean words create can linger for a lifetime.
Sharp, degrading words that may have been spoken out of carelessness or anger;
can sometimes morph into a permanent personality defect on its' victim.
Depression, alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, broken friendships/marriages, failed businesses, and dysfunctional family life, all may have
been birthed by the flame of someones ruthless and bitter words.
If you are the abuser; then repent to God and man.
Let God give you His peace and cleanse your spirit.
If you are the abused; then seek God; so He can refresh, restore, and rejuvenate you.
Then pursue Him to fill you with strength you truly need to forgive your abuser.
Forgiveness is vital for your spiritual and physical health
to heal completely from the inside out.
This is not an easy journey to travel,
however, it is your only hope to have a clean heart and a free spirit man.
The Bible is loaded with scriptures to help us obtain our peace and sanity
as well as numerous passages on the use of our words .
Let’s learn to practice kindness, love, gentleness, goodness and self control.
I often recite and meditate on the two scriptures below so I can tame
my sharp tongue and quick witted remarks; to avoid offending someone.
Psalms 19:14
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight oh, Lord. Psalm 141:3
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.
After I wrote this blog; I heard the song -Mean Girls by Leanna Crawford.
It was a confirmation for me.
Check it out.
Wise words, Carletta!